Artefact was created for the “muselet” of the champagne house Jean-Yves de Carlini (Verzenay, France) in the series Art a Fact. A total of eight drawings tell the life story of Artefact: Birth, The Development of the Entity, The Messy Scribbling Toddler, The Artistic Child, The Adult Artist, The Old Painter and The Final Journey of Artefact to Heaven… ‘ l’art de-vivre-l’art ’. These unique creations, limited in number, are valued greatly to any collector. Every drawing received a quote in the Lambert guide, an important reference for the collector market.
Every design was manufactured with a coloured metal and a plaque of gold. The last drawing of the life cycle dates back to 2020.
Besides the original designs of Artefact, I created a limited amount of water-colour paintings for a nursery. In the case that you are not a collector of muselets, you can ought to obtain the limited, original creations in the form of a bottle cap or champagne tasting glasses with the Artefact engraving.
All these items are available via the contact form on the website or in the store in Bruges.
Artefact goes on a trip through art history. He engages in a voyage of discovery alongside various ancient civilisations and cultures. He becomes a quiet witness for a number of historical events.
The original drawings can be bought via the contact form on the website. ( or in the store in Bruges (VVDP-ART, Ter Steeghere, Burg 15/5 Bruges)